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whitenailpolish (profile) wrote,
on 10-21-2003 at 7:12pm
Music: Taking Back Sunday
Subject: Tbssss
yay I found my cd.
"cooloroonee. Come one tito say it with me! Coo-lo-roo-nayy"

I need some eye liner.
I neeeeddd to buy the new SoCo cd. It is a must. They are on Jimmy Kimmel tonightttt. Yeee. I missed TBS though =\.. that was a while back. damn having to get up for school =|

the PSAT was today. I missed english colorguard and spanish. I absolutely needed to go to englishhh. And I have to miss it tomorrow too for gay colorguard pictures. I got in a fight tonight with my mother over those damn things. I told her that I can't take them because I need to go to English, but she said just take them. I said I have too much work in there and she said that she would E-mail Ms Alston to ask her if she could make sure that I would be the first one to get my pics taken so I wouldn't miss that much. usuhaeghioegr! I swear she thinks I'm 5 or something.. she always wants to email my teachers for every problem I tell her about =| Oh fucking well.
Saturday morning I have a Band Competition at Garces. Yay! I get to be embarrassed again because we suck so bad! I just want to know why we don't do a field show instead of just going around the track. But hey, what can ya do. Then in the afternoon I get my brand spanking new bed. sheeyeah. I'm excited. Thennn at night Hailey and I are going to the cornfield maze if she can. Britney and Lindsay might go too if they can.
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you commented..., 10-21-03 10:48pm

yeah ive been getting lots of compliments on my layout lately...thank you!! if you want, i can help you make your layout like mine if you want....just comment back i guess!

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10-22-03 2:10pm

yes, sadly, I go to Highland High lol.. its okay though i guess? <3

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10-22-03 11:35pm

woot! I will befriend you also, do you ever go to jerrys pizza?

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10-23-03 2:40pm

well yes, it is downtown, but its REALLY fun, and not to mention has a million hott guys. If you do ever get a chance to go, go when a band called "stereotactic" plays, they seriously kick my ass everytime.. lol <3

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Yo..., 10-23-03 7:07pm

Yeeeahhh, I got your username off of AllThoseTimes, who I got from BatOutOfHell.. so I guess you could say I am whoring my way through Woohu, but hey! anyway... TBS is really cool <3 <3 <3. So is SoCo. <3 some more. Anyway, maybe we could be friends, too. Heh, toodles. But I don't live in Bakersfield... but I live in Vegas!!! Which is like.. only 300 miles away :-D Bye!
Xx Rach xX

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