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munkysaurus (profile) wrote,
on 11-6-2003 at 9:14pm
Music: U2 - In God's Country
Subject: Mom got sick and died, Dad got sick and died, Sister got sick and died, Pastor got sick and died, I got sick and became alive...
Dearest of dear Mr. J,

One of the customers comes in about once every two weeks. Everytime he grabs his tray to sit down, he slides a little piece of paper across the counter. One time it was just a small pieace about the size and density of a business card, another was sort of a brochure. They both blantantly speak of Jesus and god stating very simplistic facts. Neither of them say come join us at (insert religious: convention, meeting, joining, gathering).
I have a specific take on religion.
Anyway, I keep them. Not because of the religious content. But, just the fact that it strikes me as a selfless, flattering act of humanity.
If you were a cashier at a fast food franchise, you'd understand. It goes beyond that, though.
I'm sure that's what he's trying to impose on me. I'm a sucker.

workin lots. smoking lots. wish I wasn't smoking lots. Canada sucks.

Oh, and:

Hey, November, how the hell've you been!
Thank ya,
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11-09-03 6:35pm

dude you need to write a story about him

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