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jimmysdingus (profile) wrote,
on 11-7-2003 at 5:58pm
Current mood: mellow
Music: a perfect circle
the reason my username is listed on every entry is because my account is a community or something

See what drug you are.

today was alright. i went to ryans house and i am borrowing a clockwork orange from him because i have to see that god damn movie. i saw it about three years ago but it held no significance to me then and i don't remember much about it. haha and my stepsister wants to go to a jewish boarding school(and yes, her and my stepmom are really jewish). i don't really see anything wrong with being jewish but i also don't see any reason to be proud of it.

eat, sleep, and masturbate safely
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gay, 11-08-03 4:28pm

that si a gay movie u waasted ur time watching it

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Re: gay, 11-09-03 4:18am

fuck you, you dont know what the fuck youre talking about you penis-licking insignificant son of a bitch-fucking whores aunt who fucks pigs

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Re: gay, 11-09-03 8:47am

yeah its a good movie you bastard. leave your name next time

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Re: Re: gay, 11-10-03 4:17pm

pigs mother fucker ,they all should die,

suck my balls bitch

- the oscar

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Re: gay, 11-14-03 6:58pm


Clockwork orange is one of the best movies of all time you assbag.

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11-15-03 1:08pm

Actually I dont really like the movie. It doesnt really have a moral or a point like the book. If you've seen the movie then read the book.

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Re:, 11-15-03 6:53pm

well there is a point its just not clearly stated in the movie and i am going to read the book soon

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