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bunnyblood2 (profile) wrote,
on 12-16-2003 at 3:49pm
Music: Mindless Self Indulgence-Faggot
Subject: Savvy? was boring. Woke up...went to home...and now what? Jeez I haven't written in along time in this silly thing. Well I did write a little while ago, but I accidentally closed the screen and it went buh-bye. Dammit. I forgot what I wrote, too. It was a lot. Oh well.

Let's see....Snow days are fun. We just had one yesterday, even though I slept all day so I didn't really enjoy it all that much. damn I'm so lazy lol. I wanna watch Pirates again. I love that fuckin movie.

I am shit out of luck for money this year as far as buying X-mas presents go. But actually it's ok...because the most expensive things I want to buy (either for Tom, Mommy, or Matt) I don't have to worry about! We all have planned an X-mas 2, on January 25. Not only will everything be on sale, but we all won't be rushed to get eachother what we really want to get them. So it works out just fine. I still have to get to the mall, hopefully. I can't find too much stuff here. The people I've gotten things for already are:

Jon M.
Tom (little thing)
Mom (a couple things)
My grandma
My grandpa
Tom's sister Jess
My sister Alicia
My dad

That's only because I either ran out of money or couldn't find anything right away that was good for them. But the next paycheck I get is going to all the presents I have to get. I still have to get stuff for Derek, Jon L., Ian, Missy, Pete, Megan, Satan, Justin, Dan, Dave, Matt, Tina, and probably some others. They may not be the greatest gifts but since I didn't get anybody anything last year, I'm determined to make up for it this year. Hopefully I can pull it off with one, maybe two paychecks. If they give the last one before X-mas.

And I mean it's not like I can only give some people things, because I don't want to single anybody out. I would feel like shit if I did.

Oh anybody was thinking about getting me anything *wink wink* *nudge nudge* Here's some stuff that would make me happy:

Neopets cards (booster packs)
Jewelry (not gold! Please!)
Purple lipstick (dark purple)
Dragon figures (not chinese dragons)
Anything having to do with KoRn
Body jewelry (not pretty-girl ones)
Belts (black)
Invader Zim something
Homemade stuff (from the heart, people!)

Heh...I know....I'm picky. Oh well, just a thought. Anything at all would be nice. Even a friggen peice of paper that says happy holidays. Whatever. Some of you have to give me more ideas on what to get ya, I get stuck.

Alrighty to do my homework so i can pass English : / . Then probably gonna watch Pirates again *smile*. Buh-bye!

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12-17-03 3:24pm

Ya really don't have to get me anything. But don't think of me as one of those people who says they don't want anything, but really want something. Or if they get something, they don't like you anymore. I just won't be disappointed if you couldn't find me anything. It's no big deal, really.

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Re:, 12-22-03 1:06pm

Well that's just too bad because I got you something anyway! It's REALLY not much, but I hope you like it, you picky bastard you! lol!

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