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dramabrat (profile) wrote,
on 5-13-2004 at 3:07pm
here akiesa.... the next two episodes of JOA.

22. The Gift
After God tells Joan to give Adam a gift, she finds something that leads her to wonder if God's suggesting she have sex with him...
While secretly searching through Adam's backpack for gift ideas, Joan is stunned to find a condom there. She soon wonders if sex is the "gift" God had in mind, and she nervously ponders whether or not she'd be ready for such a big step. Meanwhile, Kevin begins covering court proceedings for the paper and ends up causing a stir in one of Will's cases.

23. Silence
When the hospitalized Joan is diagnosed with Lyme disease, she begins to question if she's been seeing God or merely experiencing the hallucinations that can be symptomatic of her condition...
Upon hearing that Joan may have been suffering from the symptoms of Lyme Disease for months, a somewhat relieved Will and Helen believe this news may explain Joan's mood swings and atypical behavior, while a concerned Adam wonders if Joan will be different upon her recovery. Meanwhile, the hospitalized Joan experiences a crisis of faith -- and considers revealing to someone close to her that she's been talking to God. In separate circumstances, Helen and Will begin to rethink their belief systems after, respectively, experiencing spiritual dreams and miraculous events.
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hey, sister in christ, 08-08-04 2:26pm

i was searching by interest, and looky here, i found you, akeisa.

this is so awesome. i don't know you, but you are my sister in christ.

that's cool.

love in christ,

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Re: hey, sister in christ, 08-13-04 2:17am

that was very kind what u said. u are my sister in christ too. hope we keep in touch.

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