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sexylilsweetie (profile) wrote,
on 8-6-2004 at 2:50pm
Current mood: content
Music: television
I havent updated in almost 4 months!! man time goes by so fast! I guess I have just been a little busy and unable to write. So much has happend... for starters Tuesday I got laid off my job because the attorneys that I worked for cannot afford to pay us all anymore so he laid off me, one of his attorneys and her paralegal. That totally sucks because now I need to go find another job and I really like the one I had. We will be getting 2 weeks severence pay though to make up til we find different jobs which helps considering I pay $500 a month for daycare. Mike moved in last week I am so happy about that hopefully things will be great. I am happy for baby Michael to have his daddy around. Baby Michael is getting to be such a big boy :) he weighs about 23lbs still but he's pretty tall and he just turned 18 months on the 4th WOW it seems like i just had him!! He is really cute though.. he says a few words like baby,bubbles,baloon,ball,mama,dada,nana,pa,thank you and bye mostly B's but he's comming along well. He's a really good walker and he runs now too.. mostly from he's got about 12 teeth and he's getting quite a bit of blonde hair :) man he is such a cutie!! hehe .. well I'll try updating more frequently! ttyl <3 Kayla
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09-18-04 11:25pm

how do you add a background on here???

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Heyy, 09-28-04 1:30pm

It's stephanie (From Burton Ave. haha)
I remembered your screename and wanted to look out your profile...thats when I found this.

I haven't talked to you in a while. I saw the pictures of your baby and they're very cute. I'm glad you're doing so well!

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