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H2OforDuo (profile) wrote,
on 11-7-2004 at 12:24pm
Current mood: content
Subject: *Squee*
Last night was one of the best nights of my life.
I went with Ian to this thing he was doing with his band (Ian (Gituar and bagpipes), his dad (Accordion) and his younger brother Ryan (violin)) up in Gold hill (a tiny town up in the mountains). It was kind of a fundraiser for his old school (K-2), so he knew everybody. They play celtic music. Oh my God, they rocked. It was insane. They were the openning band for another band (who played rock). It was totaly great. They announced that they had a hay ride and they said they had a draft horse, so of course, I had to go see it. It was beautiful. He was an eighteen hand pure blood black draft. When Ian and his band finished I made him come see the horse XD he asked if I wanted to go on the hay ride and I was like, 'hell yea!', but I said, "Sure." It was so geourgios up there. There was hardly any light pollution and you could see all the stars so brightly...I leaned on him and he put his arm around me. "Does this bother you?" he said. Quoth I, "No...not at all."
Whe got back right as the band was starting to play. Ian kind of wandered off to go see some of the other people. He came back to check on me and I was like, "You should dance." So we danced. So much fun. It was the first time I've danced since I was like, five or something. It was probably made easier by the fact that I thought I'd never see these people ever again. XP
Anywho, during the care ride on the way back, Ian insisted on sitting in the middle seat in the car. He had his arm around me the whole way back down to Boulder.

Dad says he too old for me, but he doesn't know I like him. Ian said he'd call me today. *Squee*

Much love to you all.
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har har, 11-07-04 7:40pm

wow, that's so...barf inducing.
But you preetymuch know why.


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Re: har har, 11-12-04 10:44am


Don't mind me, I'm crazy.


I'll tell you leter.

Gah, too hyper to type.


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11-08-04 4:02am

Hurray for teenage girl sqeals. And for the hay ride action.


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I like you when you call me Japanese, 11-16-04 10:44am

WHeee! Default Title. ^ ^ ; When are you going to come back to me Caro?!?!?!?! Whaaaaaaa!
Nah, take your time. ^ ^; I'll just gaurd your Journal.


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