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lifestourniquet (profile) wrote,
on 4-11-2005 at 12:19pm
Current mood: blah
Music: Eminem-Encore
Subject: Blah mornings
Well today started off pretty shitty, in fact, it really hasnt evolved past that point as yet. It began with a message from Lauren "Why did you delete those good pictures from my file" (I had deleted some pictures of me and her cos I was pissed at her deleting some too) Then I spent 10 dollars worth of phone credit apoligising. Only for her to bluntly state "See you at four" Nothing further.

And I throw gay little hissy fits? Sometimes I wonder at what is going through her head. Their just photos in a phone that we've taken at least 3 times before, and will take at least a 100 more times in future. Its not hard to take them again or anything. Gah. Spose we'll see how that goes at four hmm?

On good news though, and for those whom dont like to here about mine and Laurens exploits, stop reading here, Lauren has recently gained confidence enough to lose all clothes in front of me....and shower with me....

And again on good news....Laurens monthly friend came yesterday....a relief to both her and I....I feel strangely though. I fear I may be infertile....I'll have to check this with doctors I believe. No need for condoms....ever....*drools*

Loz made the cutest comment the other day....well it was more the tone with which she said it....I said something like...well what if I caught an STI eh? And she just turned around with the most adorable look on her face and let go of my hand and said "And where would you get THAT from huh?" Just the tone was amazingly adorable...

Anyway....thats the good news....only four hours left to see if the bad news improves any....

Take care all

Our place is getting sprayed also as of right now. Red backs and white tails everywhere....Cant wait to see how many of the little bastards are dead...Grrrr
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04-20-05 7:11pm


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