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brutisimo (profile) wrote,
on 7-18-2007 at 12:57pm
So I am having a great time in Prague. I really like the program I ma in and feel like I am learning so much. I can't believe I was so apprehensive about doing this.

I miss Ryan though. I miss Camp and my normal summer. I feel like I am outsidfe my own body a lot here. Like I am not really living my life, but I am on some type of parrallel plane of existence. Also It is weird that Peter Derby is here. I still can't get past that feeling. I feel like a kid when I am around him, so I try not to be very much.

This weekend I am going on an overnight "field trip" and we are going to see some really beautiful stuff. I mean I have seen a lot of really great stuff already, but this is going to be cool i think. We are also going to see a symphony i think.

Anyway, I saw two exhibits of particular interest. NEo Rauch: an AMAZING painter, and JAn Saudek and very interesting photographer, goodbye for now.
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07-19-07 7:50am


Jason kept getting these phone calls from an "Aunt Pat" all day yesterday. She kept asking for "Jason" but Jason doesn't have an Aunt Pat so he kept telling her she has the wrong number. She called several times and he started getting pissed off. Finally she asks him if he knows Alicia Kellogg. And he's like.... ... yeah.

Turns out.
It was your mom.

She was looking for your cousin Jason (?) in your cell phone and you had it listed wrong in your phonebook.

I said hi to your mom yesterday.

Have fun in Prague.

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Re:, 07-20-07 7:17am

HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is great.

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