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metalhead (profile) wrote,
on 11-12-2008 at 11:39am
Subject: An LJ writing prompt for lack of better subject matter
Some people spend their whole lives preparing the answer to this question: What albums are on your personal all-time Top 10 list?

I took this to mean albums I can listen to the whole way through and never skip a song, albums that will always make me stop and listen for a bit, albums that make me remember. Not really the sort of things I would put onto mixes, just because I think the album in its entirety is so great. Got it? Okay.

01. Magical Mystery Tour - The Beatles

First of all, there's a great movie. Second, I used to listen to this with my mom on the way to school. Also, The Beatles are just the best band. Nothing I can do about that.

02. Siamese Dream - The Smashing Pumpkins

The Pumpkins will always hold a very special place in my heart, and this is my favorite album of theirs. Also, I like Billy better with hair and in the doing 'shrooms with Johnny Depp phase.

03. Tragic Kingdom - No Doubt

This tape was the first thing I remember ever buying with money I had earned. I listened to this until the tape wore out and CDs were more popular. I still have that same CD. I dyed my hair the same as Gwen Stefani in high school and I like to think this is the origin of my feminist interest. GO GWEN (PS why are you batshit crazy now? also PPS I also hate you for marrying Gavin Rossdale)!

04. Turn on the Bright Lights - Interpol

This album got me through long distance love and my parents' looming divorce and all the other crazy shit that happens to you your senior year of high school, whatever it may be. It's also just beautiful. I imagine the whole album being recorded in a dark traffic tunnel with only orange lights. I don't know, I just love the whole thing.

05. Feed the Animals - Girl Talk

Though there are some parts that could be mixed better, this mashup album is the best I have ever heard. I had my doubts at first, but the more I listened to it, the more I liked it. Now, I love it and have to STOP myself from listening to it so I don't get sick of it.
I think my love of this album saw its peak the other day at Dave's house when Dani and I danced to the ENTIRE ALBUM without stopping once. I think that's all I need to say about that.

06. Left of the Middle - Natalie Imbruglia

I REALLY loved this album in elementary school. Also, I always thought Natalie Imbruglia looked so fucking hot in this video. Yes, even as a child. For some reason, every time I think "Ha ha! Let's put this old CD on and see if I still like any of these songs." I end up singing every last lyric at the top of my lungs while performing perfectly all the choreographed dances I made up for them when I was a kid. So I guess it deserves a place of honor here.

07. The Blue Album - Weezer

I remember how passionate I was about this album the first time I put the CD into my stereo, and how I had to make a tape copy for the car so I could listen to it all the time. now every time I have no idea what to listen to, I scroll down my mp3 player's album list and pick this out, because I know the nostalgia and awesomeness will wash over me and make me forget my worries. Even though I think Pinkerton IS the better Weezer album, I can't listen to it all the time. The Blue Album gives me a better balance of what I *might* want to listen to.

08. Sea Change - Beck

I really love most breakup albums. I don't know what it is, but if an artist chooses to sing about a breakup, I usually tend to think it's their best album. Honestly, I just love the softer side of Beck. While I think that musically, he has better albums that incorporate wonderful things about his music and bring a lot in, I really just like the simplicity and honesty of Sea Change. I'm a sucker for a pretty man with an acoustic guitar.

09. If It Was You - Tegan & Sara

So, Shamlawi. Also, there's a vaguely stalker-ish song on there. Have you noticed people are drawn to these? That Sting song, "Lily" by the Pumpkins, everyone loves these songs and they're all about stalkers. I rest my case.

10. House of Bricks - Kate Nash

Another breakup album, another woman talking about woman things. It makes me feel just great. Also, I can sing it real loud and real drunk. I can sing it happy or sad and gosh darn it she's just so cute in her videos.

I guess that's it. 'Night folks!
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