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kit_Katt (profile) wrote,
on 4-16-2003 at 9:31pm
Current mood: Nervous, and peaceful (explain that one huh? GOD~
Music: *repeading* Father give me strength and wisdom to overcome my trails
Well, things have....well, changed I suppose. I still don't particuarly care for Nate, but I at least am starting to put my heart back in the right place. (now if I can actually get it there, that's another story). But I am willing to try. As is Brianna; so I figure we work together to takle this problem, and we will be the better for it. Praise God.

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04-16-03 11:01pm

I didn't want to have to say this but Nate is a totally prat and should be ignored.

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Re:, 04-16-03 11:04pm

prat's a funny word, faja (think goldmember)

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Re: Re:, 04-16-03 11:06pm

Sorry, too much Harry Potter I suppose, keep thinking with a British accent...

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