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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 6-29-2002 at 12:34am
Subject: palendrome
or not. AMANAPLANACANALPANAMA. yes. a palindrome. Sushi was good. Saw Betty's eyelids ( if u have no idea what i'm talking bout then uhhh.. mayb i'll talk boutit l8tr) They were okay. She looks soo different but if shes happy then thats what matters. There were a bunch of us. Bunches of oats. Or not. lol Mike & Traven came by 2 say hi which was really cool of them. during dinner i wrote Tristan & Sam notes on the check things it was fun. They were all calling me Stevie. So yes. I am now Stevie and Sam (Pendragon) is now Annie. Don't ask. Anyways. Afterwards every1 walked 2 the movie theatre but Sam drove me, Dave, Alex & Tristan. It was fun. There were sooooo many little teeny bopper kids there. Middle school kiddies ick. Boca ehh. yeah. Well. We went to see About a boy. It was such a great movie... Hugh Grant was a cynical bastard heh. I liked it. Everyone did. Yes. Afterwards we went outside & I saw everyone crowding around some kid w/a skateboard. I came over and the kid was like "hey, you're the H2O girl(referring to my pink H2O shirt)" to which I replied "do I know you??" yeah. Mass confusion for about 5min. The kid was then introduced as Max who went to Atlantic. Go figure, he goes 2 my school & yet I still have no idea who the kid is lol. Well yeah. He wanted 2 write me down in his "family" but I wouldn't tell him my name. I was referred to as "Stevie" heh. Right. Sooo i mention something bout *emo* and the kid replies "i like emo" to which i'm like OMG AN EMO BOY!! heh. that suddenly caught my attention cuz I have been on the ultimate search for an emo boy! The kid was introduced as Max. I proceeded to tell him that I now owned him and he was my emo boy. Yes. I am talking to him online now courtesy of Donald. Hes my emo boy :0) yes I am nothing buy a third mistress to him. I think i'm guna go cry and kill myself now. Very emo. Bleh.
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Hey Dudes, 06-29-02 1:22am

Hello, this is Emo Boy, aka Vivi's Emo Boy or Vivi's bitch i suppose, even though she is one of my mistresses, anyway. Vivi wants to be loves, which she is, 3 months of the year, but lets give her love now. We went to school together and I only remember her because of the H2O shirt, then i saw her, got to know her, and now have massive amounts of sex with her supposedly. Anyway, it's late, you're bored or a little creeped out, but I have to go. Lesson 4 2day: Never brush your teeth with axle grease.

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Re: Hey Dudes, 06-29-02 1:06pm

max johanson or whatever his last name is?

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Re: Re: Hey Dudes, 07-01-02 10:24pm

Yeessss Max is indeed my emo boy <3 yet.. hes not REALLY my emo boy, hes my fake emo boy cuz I am his 3rd mistress or 1st mistress or whatever heh. there is the possibility that I may promote him to my REAL emo boy though <3 hes smart.. i (heart) smart guys soo much! that and band guys heh.

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i heard emo like a shard of truth, 06-29-02 2:06am

tonight was fun. too bad i couldn't stay longer.

as far as your quest for an "emo boy" goes, i think you're too specific. everyone knows all emo kids already have girlfriends or are too depressed to think about getting another one ;)

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