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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 5-31-2003 at 4:19am
Current mood: confused!!
Music: a very strange squeaking...
Subject: i wanna fly away
i am cunfuzzled now with numerous pplz. i did get pierced and surprisingly my mom even kame and paid for it. i also got a cuteness shirt. nobody kame to my bday party but i still luv u all and i could understand y with all the changin and cunfusion and such. im stayin the nigth at schylars tonight with her bethy carrie and charlie. stayin the night with him is gonna be a bitch but ill live. i am cunfused bout lotsa stuffs right now. i just wish i could fly away right now and come back in a week. i have a counselors appoint ment on monday and i have to leave before lunch. i also have a mandatory stage crew meeting after school, so it all sucks. i do not wanna go see a shrink. i supposedly have to be analzed. i still say theyre gonna replace my brain with a potatoe. once again i will live. schylayrs mommy is gonna be here soon, so i am done.
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hmm...., 05-31-03 9:26pm

I don't know what to say, except: don't forget the donuts tomorrow!!

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Re: hmm...., 06-04-03 10:05pm


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