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andi (profile) wrote,
on 6-1-2003 at 2:49pm
Current mood: TubuLAR but wiped out
Subject: the party_working my bum bum off
So...the party, TubuLAR. When I did the whip cream wrestling I got one person down and Lauren but dude, she's hard. Her and me have almost the same strength. She stood her ground and so did I. It took forever w/ that wrestling match. WOO!

People swam and went in the jacuzzi. I didn't really like how the party started, but I like how it ended when ppl left (wink wink). I do wish that somethings went down differently. Not everyone showed up, but we sure didn't need n e more ppl. All in all it was swell.

Especially when the cops came over to tell us to keep it on the DL. Yeah right! Ha, I laugh! Like we'll do that. It's a tradition in my family to have cops come and knock on our door to tell us to shut up or w/evas when we have parties.

A certain 2 ppl kissed twice...ooolala! Hehe.

Now today I had to clean up everyone's mess! No one in my family helped! I was the only one doing it. My yard was all covered w/ whip cream and the tops of the whip cream containers. Did u know my mom bought $40 worth of whip cream? We used it all up! lol.

My pool and jacuzzi is filled w/ deluted whip cream. I have no clue on how we're gonna get it out.

My room, well, that's a disaster too, but I cleaned up some after ppl left. I had to go on a goose hunt for my basketball. Found it!

So w/ all that mess it took me 3 hours today to clean up my house. Most of it I had to be outside in that hot heat w/ no wind or gust! I'm stinky right now. Now I'm sure your wondering why would a girl tell me that she's stinky? Wouldn't she keep that to herself since she's a girl? Ha! Not this chick! LOL.

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06-01-03 3:08pm

Sounds fun

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