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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 6-1-2003 at 9:45pm
Current mood: complacent
Music: Jackyl: The Lumberjack
Went to a movie Saturday with Mike. The Italian Job. Really good movie. Not something that leaves you with a strong thought at the end, but well done and entertaining. Just a good action flick with an actual plot. Cute guys too, I think Mike liked the lead girl too. Woke up this morning when Jay got here. Met his dad, according to Jay, Josh and I are straight, I think his dad knew though. He looked at us slightly differently as if he suspected. Decent guy though. We now have an entertainment center and a couch in the living room. Some of their friends came over when Jay’s dad left. Bobby who I had met before and Justin whom I met today. Went out to lunch. Very entertaining conversations with those two. Sometime later Jay explained his legal situation. He’s been arrested and is out on $15,000 bond. The pre-trial hearing happened already. They offered him 5 years in prison and being listed on the sex offenders’ list. They’re going to trial. Tried to patch my gas tank today. The shroud came off really easy. The spot where it’s leaking is up against the cross member for the frame so I need to drop the tank out. I tried to get the bolts loose holding the tank up. No success. All I have is a small ratchet set and the ratchet has a fairly short handle. Couldn’t get enough leverage, plus they were pretty rusty. I’ll get some of that spray grease that’s supposed to get through rust.
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06-01-03 10:38pm

Wow, what a day...

And you complain to me about you needing a life?

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