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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 7-1-2002 at 2:18pm
okay. real entry time i suppose. Recap? yes.

Sat.- Woke up at a ridiculously early hour (9am.) and started to get ready for Stephi's (formal) bday party. Yeah. Stephi wanted me 2 wear my prom or band banquet dress but I didn't. I figured noone would get THAT dressed up so I settled for my homecoming dress. Simple yet elegant. Yes. Anyways.. driving in heels is a bitch.yes it is. I got to the party to find everyone crowded in the hallway of the banquet hall. I knew most of the people there cept 4 2 people i think. I walked up to one of the people who I didn't know and was like "Hi,I don't know you" The girl introduced herself as Stac e and I introduced myself as Vivi. yes. fun. heh. A second later I was like "wait..I know you, you're myhandsdown on woohu!" To which she responded " you're plainmornings!" yes. Sad but true. heh. The party was fun.. started off a little weird but between Sean's 16lbs of bubblegum and the helium we all had a good time. Ash & I walked barefoot through the diner to go buy a chocolate shake.. it was fun :0) So yes. that was the party. I then went home & had 2 go to a house warming party w/my parents. I ended up dipping out of there early w/Eddie & we went back 2 his house & watched 1/2 of Dogma. That was Sat.

Sun. The love of my life (one of the 8 heh.) Jenn came home!! She's been gone since uhh FOREVER!! yeah. So we decided 2 go 2 the Wellington mall. I wasn't really in the shopping mood soo it was more of me watching her shop. I had a grand total of $14. cash on me. Fun. Thanks to my parents' X-mas gift I fortuantely had a pacsun & express credit card and also my visa card. I decided that I didn't want to spend anything on my Visa cuz that'd b Europe money I was wasting soo I was pretty much limited to the other too. Jenn bought stuff from XXI and I got a pair of jeans & a tank top from express. We were walking around when I suddenly remembered reading in Ben's journal that Stac e worked in Hot Topic... I called Ben to confirm it and sure enough, as we walked through the little entrance thing guess who was standing there! That was cool.. I wana work @ Hot Topic or something like that.. laid back work environment. yeah. That was cool. Lots of stuff were buy 1 get one free so Jenn & I bought all matching stuff. That was the end of my $14. then we left. I came home to only leave again. I had the officer dinner thing @ Nikkis house. I drove like a mad mofo! I left my house 10 to 6 and Nikki lives in Lake Worth which is like 40min away lol I was driving 90 down the turnpike & faster then i should have been on the other roads. Yeah.. crazy. The dinner was fun, Stoneman came.. she cut her hair short & it was okay. She didn't talk much but what did we expect. Yeah. Afterwards I got a call from Kev & Izzy & they wanted me 2 come over 2 Kev's 4 a movie sooo thats where I resided for the rest of the night. ohhh I met Mr.Wright last night! heh.

Now- boredom kills. I leave in 4 days for Europe and personally.. I don't really wana go :0( I'm guna miss everyone.. bleh. yeah so I'm guna go watch TV or something. later alligators <3
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07-01-02 5:26pm

<3 fo vvvvivi .


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