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Jessika (profile) wrote, on 6-4-2003 at 6:27pm | |
Current mood: is happy but never did move or poo..... Music: sex pistols Subject: sum ppl shall never know a thing.... |
ok...schylar told me sumtin that made me feel special...she has a crush on ME...actually i had been guessing that for a lil while now but then not kuza sumtin and now i Finally know....i have still not made decisions as to whether to be straight,bi, or borderline tho....but she is great and perty but after seein wut hapnd to her and i want that?i know i dont want THAT..but....changing subjects.....shane u have NO idea how much i am loffin at u right now...i always seem to have such diverse convos with u....nice tellin me...o well yalls gottsta go to show on saturday!!! and thats all so schylar and roxanne kan read | |
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roxanne | hey, 06-04-03 10:45pm hey dont base your decisions on what happended to some one else ok because things work out differently for differnt people k well im gonna go continue my search for the damn movie k bye bye |
Anonymous | hmmm, 06-04-03 10:56pm not really sure what to say...cept for kinda what roxanne said |
Jessika | Re: hmmm, 06-04-03 11:05pm nononononono...i am not basin ANYTHING on that...just keepin it in mind...i sposei made it sound diff than i wanted it to huh?ok...disregard all that bout roxanne(no offense...)i was just thinkin on my fingers or sumtin yah...i am thinkin into it but bai and mom will never no of the possibilities...they seem the kinna ppl that would avoid me...hey...maybe i tell my mom i a full out lesbian then...that would make life better.... |
Anonymous | Re: Re: hmmm, 06-04-03 11:07pm ur best friend would do that to u??what a fucking bitch!!!!doesnt she read this???????? |
Jessika | Re: Re: Re: hmmm, 06-04-03 11:24pm i have a lil advantage over her kalled imernet and she dont know address and never will kuz i say LOTSA stufff she shall never know...i no its not very friendlike, but she wouldnt kare bout it all and yah i lost it all so bye! |
silversoldier | hey jess, 06-04-03 11:15pm Well... I'm glad Schylar finally told you about the *secret.* Yeah, I kinda knew for a while (since she and I played MASH) that there were more feelings. I just stayed quiet, cause she didn't want anyone to know yet (as seen on her journal).... Oh, then I told her MY feelings just now.... hey, I reccomend that you go for the bi orientation. You get to love both sexes, and you're not required to label yourself as straight or lesbian. You just get to have fun and pick whoever you want to love. Smoochiez
Jessika | Re: hey jess, 06-04-03 11:21pm teeehee thanx to the ever so wonderful nicko to the rescue =D...dont u just left this i am assuming ur on and just left the comment in schylars journal...correct???respond!!! |
silversoldier | Re: Re: hey jess, 06-04-03 11:24pm yes, I just left the comment on her journal... what else do you want me to say?? |
Jessika | Re: Re: Re: hey jess, 06-04-03 11:27pm o no no its not that its just that ur on now and i dunno u r? and she didnt no for sure if it was u and i am still confused immensely and clear it all up for me!!!! |
silversoldier | Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jess, 06-04-03 11:30pm This is all a game! I really do love her, but I'm just a little kid playing with fancy toys right now. I guess it's just my way of having fun in this world. Oh, yes, we all are certainly twisted, but it's just what makes life worth living: to play with your secrets and have fun with your disfunctions. |
Anonymous | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jess, 06-04-03 11:35pm yeah Nick..even if it does hurt the person ur doing it to....I guess Im just a game now..Ive always beena fucking game..a game for everything havent I..A game for you..a game for love..a game for fucking rape...just go and play with urself and leave me the fuck alone until u actually mean something u say. |
Anonymous | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jess, 06-04-03 11:35pm yeah Nick..even if it does hurt the person ur doing it to....I guess Im just a game now..Ive always beena fucking game..a game for everything havent I..A game for you..a game for love..a game for fucking rape...just go and play with urself and leave me the fuck alone until u actually mean something u say. |
Jessika | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jess, 06-04-03 11:37pm i thot erlier u said both of u had never reached love....just great feelings but not hearts....i was likni wut u said and it expressed how i have felt so dont u dare change it now!!but in the circumstances i spose u kan...but STILL..i am once gain confuzzled!!!! |
Anonymous | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jess, 06-04-03 11:41pm I am also confused
DarkSwordDancer | Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: hey jess, 06-06-03 9:22pm ok i just now relise what i missed. |