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andi (profile) wrote,
on 6-5-2003 at 3:11pm
Current mood: awake
Subject: I'm a "DORK"!
hey YA'LL! what's up? I'm sitten here on my bum. Yep, just me. No one else. Not like u care or n e thing.

I went to the eye doctor and I have to get glasses! O no! It's actually all good. I'm near sited.

I got these really TubuLAR ones! Thier thick black and has points on the top corners. I'm a dork! lol. Hey if I have to wear glasses I may as well be a dork, right? Right. In the corners they have dimonds. OOLALA! Lol. (sigh) It's great. I like them a lot. I don't look like a "hottie" in them, but I don't look "ugly" either. It's great, just great.

I'm departing for now. Ta Ta...

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06-05-03 3:19pm


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