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DarkSwordDancer (profile) wrote,
on 6-7-2003 at 3:30pm
Current mood: blah
Subject: damn it.
Why cant people see past words and read between the friggin lines?Why cant they think with their hearts?
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06-07-03 3:52pm

It's hard to say on any of that. I wish I knew how the heart worked.... I just know that it's something to trust. I can see inside a mind, and that's nothing special. People think that their mind is what makes them scared, but it's there to help them out of things. It's easy to see why they want to hurt someone, because it helps them forget something. What's scary is everything else that's in a body. The heart is not to be dangerous, it is the most pure thing of all. It just might be that someones old demons are holding it hostage, and it simply can't be used.

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Re:, 06-07-03 9:45pm

thanks for defending me at schylar journal,i left for a little bit so......Nick i hope i didnt contribute to the problemes with schylar,and if i did im sorry.

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