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munkysaurus (profile) wrote,
on 7-5-2002 at 2:26pm
Music: 311 - Amber
Subject: Bam, restart button...
Yesterday, I had the premonition to delete my journal. But, today, I've decided that erasing all my entries was pretty stupid. I didn't even read them! ah well.

Anyway, yeah, I'll just have to fill this sucker up again...
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uh, 07-06-02 1:08am

how exactly did u delete them. i mean, there isn't a restart button, or is there. hmmm...anyways, please tell its been driving me crazy.

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07-06-02 12:26pm

see? i told you that you'd want to write in it more =P ;)

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07-08-02 12:54am

I think everyone should have one of these journals so instead of keeping in your iner most fealings and just blowing them all out at someone one day you can.. well, let them out as tehy comeand it will be alot easier

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