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fadingfallenstar (profile) wrote,
on 6-9-2003 at 10:45am
Music: Blink 182-party song
Subject: nothin...
well my dads painting my room so its time for me to start living on the couch. ah well, I hope it turns out good. im in a much better mood today, im just gonna keep myself happy, it sucks being sad. i'll just sit here and listen to cds, lol fun. well im off.
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06-09-03 11:19am

your an evil person!! lol

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Re:, 06-09-03 12:37pm

thats right! Mwah ha ha!

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Re: Re:, 06-09-03 10:54pm

she's not evil (if you say she is she'll just give you a wierd look)

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Re: Re: Re:, 06-09-03 10:56pm

*strange look on face* lol.

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