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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 7-6-2002 at 7:12am
i forgot my watch at home so i bought a rather pimp swatch watch heh. it is now 110 pm here and rathr early in FL. or on the east coast. The Boston kids are here.. they dont seem all tha friendly but i guess well jus hafta wait and see. I hope the Houston kids are friendlier geez.. well yeah. We hav once again been let loose in the airport while awaiting the Houston kids who should be arriving at approx. 2pm. Theres a 7 hr time difference i think. It is no like 8am thre or smething lke that. I cant figure out how to work my phone card which is rather unfortunate. yes. my parents proly think we fell off the face of the earth.Ishould email them... I miss everyone terribly. As of right now its raining hre.. raining hard and its really cold and the kids arent nice (well not yet) and i think im rather home sick. urghh. no faces. 45 more min to kill b4 we hafta meet back at th bus.I now know the MilanMalapensa airport from front to back. yes. i wish people were on.. grr. i think everyone should get up at 7 am jus to talk to me heh. alright kiddies.. my phone cards almost up soo farewell € wow! thats the Euro sign €€€€€€€ this keyboard is kinda cool yah okay iąm done (heart)
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07-07-02 8:16pm

cool! italy! i wish i could be cool and go to europe. you know what? i will someday. i will go to europe and see all the cool things there are to see. like people. and buildings. i wonder how many europeans have heard of michigan? hmm. something to ponder. thanks for your time.

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