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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 6-10-2003 at 6:36pm
Current mood: cold
Music: Eminem: Business
Well let’s see. I went in to work early on Sunday like Roger asked. When I got off work, I went over to Katie’s house. Sat around and talked, watched TV. Got some triple black and drank with them. Mike, Jackie’s ex was there. Nice to have another guy around. Spent the night over there. Woke up, Katie cooked breakfast. Came home and took a nap. Woke up and then Katie & Mike came over, went to East Campus and played Frisbee. Went back over to their house watched some movies. Saw the beginning of Old School. Not too bad. Then saw Drumline. Would not recommend it even though others have to me. Poor movie. Josh has a new guy. Not much new there. Got a washer and dryer, I’ll use those tonight when I get back from the meeting at work. I have the feeling like my life is nothing. I mean yeah I’m going to school, I have a job, I have friends and stuff, but my life seems empty or plain or something that I can’t think of a word for. I think that’s why I’ve been depressed and moody lately. I’m open to suggestions.
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06-10-03 11:21pm

Something is missing? I know that feeling all to well.
At first I thought that that feeling would go away if I found "that someone".

It's simplier than that.

You are looking for answers. At least I was. The only problem was you don't know which question is REALLY bugging you. Once you find that... you will already know the answer.

(I know that didn't make much sense, by the way)

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