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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 7-7-2002 at 11:00am
Music: why even bother, you know who it's going to be. but the song is "Large In The Margin."
Subject: *yawn
There, now I have all the sleep I need to make up. Yeah, I went of to the Wilde Residence with Gunny and Dani. I think I could go there, just on a daily basis, so I could watch their family. Good stuff. I don't even think I was as crazy as Brandon. Lot's of fun. well, I'm off to my religious gathering.
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07-07-02 11:55am

=) hahaha stop by anytime

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aww..., 07-07-02 1:21pm

aww...that's so cute!!! I'm so happy for you guys! :) ehhh.....Jess

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