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andi (profile) wrote,
on 6-11-2003 at 12:02am
Current mood: dorky
Subject: Yeah,Yeah,Yeah
O dude! I found out that if u chew gum while cutting onions u wont cry! Weird right? right.

I have a new web page. I deleted all the others b/c they were too "prepy" for me. So, Yeah...

Whit and Jeremy are going out. How sweet? I guess Jeremy's "dry era" is over. Before me and him went out he hadn't had a g/f for ever! Well I guess that's over now.

I didn't have drum lesson's today. My teacher is sick. But it works out fine b/c I didn't know n e of the stuff.

I'm leaving in about 2 weeks. I'm going to Idaho. What's in Idaho? I don't know! I'm goin there b/c well, I dunno. I dunno if I'm coming back either! :(.

I'm thinking I'm gonna paint my room red. Bright but sorta dark red. I like red. My ma wont let me have black walls, so naturally, I want red. Red walls w/ pin stripe quilt, that would be TubuLAR. Maybe I could write my sayings on my wall in white like Lauren suggested. Who knows? All I know is I want bright and different colors in my room that not a lot of ppl have.

Ok, So this kid attempted to kiss me on the last day of school, but I turned my head b/c I don't want him to kiss me. Ew. So now he's IMing me saying hey sexy or whats up sexy. I know he may be joking but it's all ew. I'm gonna ask him next time y he's saying that all of a sudden. Just thinking about it makes me wanna throw all up...eeek!

I'm feeling dorky right now b/c I have my dorky glasses on. I like being a dork and being different from n e one else. It feels good. Like I'm free from looking like everyone else. It's a nice feeling.

Well I got to go. Scouts honor. (Cailyn)

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06-11-03 1:39pm

yeah ew

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Dillon!, 06-13-03 12:06am


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