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babysay (profile) wrote,
on 6-12-2003 at 10:41am
Current mood: gloomy
Music: So Gone
Subject: ¿_how is ever1 today_?
hey... right now i am very mad/sad because i havn't talked to my boyfriend in 3 1/2 days.. do you think something is wrong here? most definitely but does sarah kno? uhh NOO! BUT! anyways...i had fun today hangin with my g-ma! lol we went to her little condo thingy on the beach it's pretty neat, then we went out to eat at junka-hoes... i mean junkanoo's, it's where my dad's new g/f work.. FUCKEN SLUT!! but ya and tomorrow i'm going to sun splash and movies with whitnae.. woo hoo! oh ya, one of my really good friends *Paige, that lives in Texas i coming down July second. i'm so excited! i think i'm finna go to the airport with her daddy to pick her up.. hold on, my celli's ringing.... ok back (it was john for ya'll who wanted to know) all right well wut movie should i see tomorrow? i'm shootin for *Finding Nemo* hell yaa lol well i'm bored but i'mma be up for a while so i'll write in this a liddle later..
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06-13-03 3:04am

3 1/2 days! woah girl! ring is fone off the hook! yeah i know the feeling about new step mom.. grrr *anger face* lol. I'll ttyl- later homez

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