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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 6-16-2003 at 12:39am
Current mood: energetic
Music: Tykwer Klirnek & Heil: Running One
Josh really wanted to go for a walk tonight. I decided to humor him. Well we just walked around downtown K-Zoo. Not much new there. I did manage to hear an extremely funny story though. Josh was cutting his hair today with those electric clippers. Nothing abnormal there. And for whatever reason he wanted to shave more, so he did his chest and stuff. Well, he decided to go lower as well. I guess he managed to catch part of his scrotum in the clippers. I laughed for about five minutes straight. That’s about it.
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06-16-03 1:53am

let me join you in heartily guffawing for about 3 minutes straight after reading that.

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06-16-03 4:55pm

You know, I try and keep any electric objects away from my testicles, just out of principle.

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Re:, 06-16-03 11:00pm

My testlicles ARE electric objects. They were sent back through time to change the future of some lucky girl.

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Re: Re:, 06-17-03 12:00am

... don't laugh... it happens... I've heard.

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Re: Re:, 06-17-03 4:38pm


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Re: Re: Re:, 06-17-03 7:42pm

Heard? Have you tested the theory?

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