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HollishDanishM (profile) wrote,
on 6-17-2003 at 10:39pm
Current mood: calm
Music: Color Blind- Counting Crows
Subject: bleeh-- stuff I wonder about
You know I wonder sometimes... I wonder about life. I dream about life, whatever I do it tears my brain apart. These are the thinfs I often wonder about
1. Why are people never happy?
2. Why do people take what they have for granted? (We all live in Edgemont, deal with it)
3. Why can't everyone just get along?
4. And why doesn't the "superior" race be happy for once?
5. Why is love stupid?

There's a lot more I think about, but these are the main ones. Let's start at number 1. Why are people never happy? yes, please why is that? No matter how you have, how much you spend, how much you do, you can never seem to just be happy. I know I have moments when I come hom and feel extremely happy and hyper, and other days I come home and feel depressed. I guess that's normal. But a person is never just happy. I guess it's impossible. I wish I was 4, everything was so easy then.
Why do people take things for granted? yes, why is that. I do it too, I'm not saying I don't but it still freaks me out. I, and most of us, live a really good life. Most of us can basically buy whatever we want, whenever we want. Sometimes when I see people on tv that have nothing, I think about it. People should be more happy. You know you could be a sick child in Africa with HIV right now, I know that's a horrific example but you hear me right? It's discusting, I hope everyone realizes this. You have a good life, get over yourself everyone!
3. Why are people always in fights, and why can't we just all get along? Why is there always so much drama. Nothing is resolved, and no one is happy. I always feel like screaming "Shut up, you won't remember this when you're 80", cuz you won't. The drama has to stop, people, no one likes it. It's good for nothing, and rotten.
4. I got the scoop I think on everything going on at my school, between the superior races. You know who you are, popular people. They seem to have more drama than me and my friends. It's crazy, they all live amazing lives and I don't know why they are always so dramatic. The Notorious (vocab word...) BIG once said, "more money, more problems". And he's right, only I'm gonna use different words. "More friends, more problems". I guess it's like that, I'm just telling of you: stop it, you don't know how many others are jealous of you.
5. Yes, and WHY oh WHY is love stupid? Just plain stupid... There's really nothing more to say about that, except that I know what it feels like...
Peace, have a great summer everyone. I know I will!!
<3 Kern
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hEyY !!, 06-19-03 1:18pm

ay yo, ay yo marshy..was at home bored. thanks to ur ass im going to tennis camp!! :P ill twk to u lata and ur entry is well said..couldn't have said it better ..ite ill ttyl 143zz


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