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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 6-20-2003 at 5:34pm
Current mood: mellow
Music: All American Rejects-Swing,Swing
Subject: Farewell Mr. Penis Ball
YO! Hey guys i just go tback from the mall with the Linsey girl! It was fun we had a special mission as to why we went to the mall, i was swore to secrecy though...Anyway today at aproximatley 2:30 Mr. Penis Ball died, he was at the old age of 2 months and left behind thuthie and nobo the star...he will be greatly missed. I got these kickass belly balls..hahah they're balls for my bb ring..hehe well thats all for now! have a kickass summer guys! PEACE
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06-20-03 5:39pm

you throw leaky penis at me and make me sparkle

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