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fadingfallenstar (profile) wrote,
on 6-20-2003 at 9:09pm
Music: Tsunami Bomb-Obligation
Why am I always sad?
Why is it so hard for me to make friends?
Why does everyone judge me?
Why do so many people hate me?
What makes me worth having as a friend?
Will I ever have a real relationship with someone I love?
Will I ever tell people how I really feel?
Why do I hurt the people I care about the most and everytime I see them think about what they must have been feeling?
Why is this world a giant popularity contest?
When will people ever like people for WHO they are and not what they look like?
When will guys ever realize that a big ass isnt everything?
Will I ever be completely honest with myself and others?
Will my dream of being in a punk rock band ever come true?
When will I ever be happy?
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06-20-03 11:12pm

Don't wonder why people hate you, just think about who loves you. I love you Stacy, and so does many others. Don't dwell on the negatives, but heed the positives.

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Re:, 06-21-03 11:35am


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