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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 6-23-2003 at 12:14pm
Current mood: cheerful
Music: Bowling for Soup -Emily
Subject: Stil it rains
Hey guys its raining again and i love it!!! I went out today and got a book and the bowling for soup cde wuhoo. I don't think im doing anythign extremely important today. I just feel oh so comfy. I realyl wihs i had a fireplace and that it was snowing outside so i could sit and read and watch the snow. Hehehee thats just me but hey its cool. So big drama last night with linsey and paul and brittainy...i hate fights i really do but i think its all better now so that good. ..Okay i think my life is fuckign boring. I want to be the girl that can walk around and just get noticed. I want to run away for days and never be the same when i come back. I don't want to be ordinary, plain, boirng. I hear of all the ppl sneaking out and doing random things with random ppl while i sit in my room waiting for all my planned events. I want to sneak out and meet ppl that are so different from me that i just smile. I want everyhitgn i don't have but i know i could.
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06-24-03 10:43am


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