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danibean (profile) wrote,
on 7-14-2002 at 12:42am
Current mood: contemplative
Music: creed- one last breath
i was wandering around in old entries and flipping through some picture books and i realized how much i miss my girls. i have so many pictures of us having a ball and the time of our lives. it was the greatest. i remember one specific night. friday night to be exact. the girls were over here and we were going to go out to a movie. we were all sitting around my living room playing sharades, imitating the kids from our school. oh my gosh i laughed so hard. we then ventured to the movie theater with our pens in our pockets (just in case) because we were on a man hunt. :) we called ourselfs the boy scouts. i also remember that night jessica and i harassed the really cute guy that scooped our popcorn. that was such a fun night. i miss the way things used to be. winter... pep bands, basketball game dances, friends, laughes, skiing, florida trip, hot cocoa...the list goes on forever. mmmm and thinking about those memories is wonderful. but i can't live in the past and i have to move on and be happy. but it's so great to reminice. never forget the good times. shake your booty while the band complains. good night kids.
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aw, 07-14-02 3:52pm

those were good times. Remember jumping and almost spilling your pop during that movie? haha. :) charades!

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07-22-02 7:23pm

ah . . . to be in those days again. . . life was good. we should catch up, all of us.

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