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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 6-24-2003 at 2:04am
Current mood: flirty
Music: Savage Garden: Carry On
Well here went Monday. Got sent home early from a five-hour shift at work. Seems pointless to work for three hours. Rachelle called tonight. Went over there and met her friend Ryan. Really cute guy, apparently he was gay before he entered the Air Force, but now isn’t. I thought it normally went the other way with the lack of women, but whatever. I guess it is illegal to be in the military and be gay, so that explains it. Katie and Kellie got off work and came back, went over to Alex’s house, drank some, not much. I think what bothered me the most is that I was actually attracted to Ryan. He is a nice guy. Too bad the military fucks up your mind some. Hopefully he figures himself out when his tour is up. But that is another four years, and a lot of damage could be done by then. Oh well. Night folks.
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06-24-03 9:16am


I wrote a long ass reply to this only to have woohu tell me that my username and password was imcorrect.

What the hell? I'm fucking logged in!

(Oh well, the reply was just a long ass rant, and many who read it would think that I hate gays. I don't so... I guess it's for the best.)

The moral of the story is....

"Don't mess with Texas!"

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