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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 6-25-2003 at 11:22am
Current mood: anxious
Music: Boxcarracer-Tiny voices
Subject: Waiting
I have 6 more days till chicago and im so happy. i wish i could stay for longer but i can't. i'm so happy that im gonna see everyone, i really miss you guys. anyways i don't have mucht o say so im just gonna copy Linsey with this...lookie

I want- to feel
I have- issues
I wish- i was invisible
I love- beign alone
I hate- fighting
I miss- life, and 7th period of course :0)
I fear- everything ahhh
I feel- strangled
I hear- boxcarracer
I smell- yummmmy
I wonder- why ppl talk so much
I regret- a lot

When was the last time you :
smiled- last night, only few ppl can amke me smile
laughed- no clue
cried- two days ago, all day
bought something- yesterday
had a nightmare- last night

What was the:
last book you read- Dreamland (awesoem bok makes ya think)
last movie you saw- Dumb and Dumberer
last song you heard- Bowling for soup....ah..
last thing you had to drink- orange juice
last time you showered- about an hour ago
last thing you ate- ....ummm....

Do you:
smoke- no but i think i will eventually
do drugs-
have sex- all the time jk
sleep with stuffed animals- yessum and damn proud of it!!!
live in the moment- i hope so
have a boyfriend/girlfriend- not sure
have a dream that keeps coming back- yeah
play an instrument- i
believe in life on other planets- yeah but not aliens
read the newspaper- yupperz, but onyl if i want to
have gay or lesbian friends- kinda
believe in miracles- yes
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever- yes if its true love
consider yourself tolerant of others- not in the least
consider love a mistake- sometimes, it hurts to much
like the taste of alcohol- yah
believe in astrology- yes
believe in magic- yeah i do
believe in god- yes
pray- all the time
have any secrets- too many
have any pets- DAISYMAE my baby puggy
wear hats- yeah
have any piercings- bb ring and ears
hate yourself- most of the time
collect anything- no
have a best friend- not really...i have all awesome freinds
wish on stars- yeah
like your handwriting- when i can read it, yeah
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STICKY WICKETS, 06-25-03 5:34pm

heyy buddy haha i love how u said baby puggy it made me giggle kinda a lot but thats ok and i said BAD EMILY when you said i think i will smoke eventually. naughty naughty ! the only way to be right hahaha <33 ya

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STICKY WICKETS, 06-25-03 5:35pm

heyy buddy haha i love how u said baby puggy it made me giggle kinda a lot but thats ok and i said BAD EMILY when you said i think i will smoke eventually. naughty naughty ! the only way to be right hahaha <33 ya

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