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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 7-15-2002 at 2:35pm
sooo much drama.. everyones mad at everyone else. Vince and I are no longer talking. Fun. O well. lots to tell.. lots of pics to post!
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=/, 07-17-02 1:46am

hope youre having a good time!!! we must hang out once you get back.

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 , 07-18-02 12:05am


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How many more days?, 07-18-02 12:09am

I think you called me this morning... or afternoon. I did an all nighter and fell asleep, and then Chrissy said someone called her cell phone that got her number from Marc's mom (I think) and they asked for me, and I was sleeping, and I picked it up and I heard a buncha voices then her cell phone lost service. I dunno if that was you or not... probably, sorry if it was. I'm really tired... when are you coming back? I think it's like... less than a week! Hurry back...

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07-18-02 12:25am

i missssss yooooouuuuuu
cant wait to see you when you get back, hope its soon, like a week i think....hope all is well
dont forget to bring me a crazy keyboard for my lovely puter from that place and what not....
talk to you soon
call you tomorrow :0)
buh bye

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