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fadingfallenstar (profile) wrote,
on 6-27-2003 at 12:41pm
Music: AFI-perfect fit
Subject: Vans Warped Tour!
I need to go to The Vans Warped Tour! I need to fucking go!!! All I need is a ride to Detroit at the Pontiac Sliverdome, haha.
its August 3rd.
The Bands(theres like 50 but im putting just the ones i know of and like):
The Ataris
The Used
Taking Back Sunday
The Starting Line
All American Rejects
Tsunami Bomb

--So if anyones going and has a ride, tell me!!! Tickets are only $29 fucking 50!
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06-27-03 1:49pm

lol you rhymed in the beginning, that was funny. I want to go really bad too!

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