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fadingfallenstar (profile) wrote,
on 6-27-2003 at 7:55pm
Music: Taking Back Sunday-You Know how I do
the feeling of hot water on my skin....I love it.
on a side on page 54 of my book, i just started reading it around 3 today...big accomplishment for me, books usually bore me. its very interesting I cant put it down...

i keep having dreams about him...everynight they get better....i like it...if only it was reality..i have a feeling one day it will be.

im realizing something I go for the "havent took a shower in three days, wore this shirt to bed" look...its strangely sexy.

a hint of hope is here....i like it....a lot.
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06-28-03 9:04am

Hey there toots! Lol, so i was doing this random journal thing and i came across this one that i think you would be interested in. This person keeps talking about all these bands shes met.. and concerts shes been to. Her journal name is......
Whatever that is. Ah well. So check it out if ya want! Lol, well i gotsta get a move on. te he. I LOVE YOU STACY CAIN!! Sorry.. i just couldnt keep it hidden anymore... *singe tear rolls down cheek* ok.. thats about enough of that! Love ya!


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Re:, 06-28-03 9:59am

those are three band names, haha (good charlotte, finch, & brand new)...well I know you new that just making sure *wink* and I knew you loved me, what can I say everyone does...*cough yeah right cough* haha. ttyl. byeness(who am i who am i)?!?!

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