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fadingfallenstar (profile) wrote, on 6-27-2003 at 7:55pm | |
Music: Taking Back Sunday-You Know how I do |
the feeling of hot water on my skin....I love it. on a side on page 54 of my book, i just started reading it around 3 today...big accomplishment for me, books usually bore me. its very interesting I cant put it down... i keep having dreams about him...everynight they get better....i like it...if only it was reality..i have a feeling one day it will be. im realizing something I go for the "havent took a shower in three days, wore this shirt to bed" look...its strangely sexy. a hint of hope is here....i like it....a lot. |
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shorty | 06-28-03 9:04am Hey there toots! Lol, so i was doing this random journal thing and i came across this one that i think you would be interested in. This person keeps talking about all these bands shes met.. and concerts shes been to. Her journal name is......
fadingfallenstar | Re:, 06-28-03 9:59am those are three band names, haha (good charlotte, finch, & brand new)...well I know you new that just making sure *wink* and I knew you loved me, what can I say everyone does...*cough yeah right cough* haha. ttyl. byeness(who am i who am i)?!?! |