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boricuababy (profile) wrote,
on 6-28-2003 at 5:56pm
Current mood: giggly
Music: Young'n-Fabolous
well yestaday wuz natalia's birthday..not natalia-natalia..but my cuzin i had to go to her liddle party at my auntz crib..she had a hawaiian theme..and it wuz a pool party..der were soo many liddle kidz runnin around tha place..i juss sat out and took a im blacker den ever!!!!! well jonothon's bday is cummin up..i gotts ta get him sumthin..i dunno what tho,...oh well..den itz meliz quince..and den ma bday!!!! :)
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07-01-03 1:04pm

i want it 2 be my b day!! so i can get my car.. but actually i dont want a car till the summer cuz i dont wanna have it 4 1 month during skoo n daz it.. lol

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