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DarkSwordDancer (profile) wrote,
on 6-30-2003 at 12:28am
I think a bunch of us on wednesday should all go to a movie/lunch/SHOPPING!!!gettogether!I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED TO DO SOMETHING I HAFTA PAINT MONDAY AND TUESDAY AGAIN!!!!.......=_= ^-^
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so..., 06-30-03 1:49am

is it a date??

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whoop, 06-30-03 6:10am

Im up for that!...

schylar..needs help..heehee yeah this is schylar

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06-30-03 6:27am

me kum too!!!!!!!!!!YaY

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Re:, 06-30-03 10:47am

u got munny for me tho????:( i poor!!!!!!!!

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06-30-03 3:55pm

Yeah ,Charlies angels look good!(just a suggestion)We could meet at 12,eat lunch and go SHOPPIN!!!!!!!,see a movie around 2 and then ....i dunno...

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no nononononononononononono!!!!!!!!!, 06-30-03 6:14pm

i kant go on wednesday no!!!!!!!!kan we do it on saturday??? not only do i have to bbsit on weekdays, but i would have no way there anywho. i will try to get money from my mom if wee kan do it on saturday. PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ???????

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Re: no nononononononononononono!!!!!!!!!, 06-30-03 8:53pm

ok whatever

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06-30-03 9:52pm

i wanna go!!!!!!!! o.0

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