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DarkSwordDancer (profile) wrote,
on 6-30-2003 at 3:56pm
Music: Are you happy now?-Michelle Branch
Subject: >>>>>>^-^<<<<<<<<
OK I had this cool dream and i know what it means but first im gonna write it down here because it was great fun.....

We are driving behind two cars that are racing and then crashed with us still behind us
then we morph into this tower where Maggie is chewing me out and saying that i was the cause of the car crash when i was only behind them.Nobody will talk to me except Roxy ,Schaylar,and Nick because maggie told everyone i killed the people in the car.
Well we are in this stone tower and this creature trys to kill this lady in blue flowing clothes and she dosent see him as he tries to come in the window ,i push him back out and he falls to his death.I dont know why i pushed him i just did ,something didnt feel right about him.Then nick says "you saved her a second time", this is when the lady spins around and says i am forever gratefull to you Aiko.
So she tells me to stand on this trampolien covered in a weird tapestrty and jump for 5 minutes,when im done the places where i jumped have turned a hunter green.The lady looks at the tapestry for a few minutes and says i may have one wish,i think for a second and then carfully state my wish." I wish this castle was back to its state before...
Then it fades to this line of people who are getting on a raft , there are these dogs who are trying to bite people and if the people get bit they become dogs,we get on the log raft and start down this muddy river.In the middle of the boat ride i jump into the water to relieve the person leading the raft and get yelled at by the teacher.
When we go back to the shore i go into my "dorm" i think and find Ashley H with shoulder lengh hair and dara.We all go down to the commons area of the school ( hogwarts setting only different) and we see this lizard man in a lab coat who says class is in classroom
25 1/2B so we start looking for it and we turn the wrong corner and find ourselves in the back alleys of new york by a tattoo parlor,we turn around and finally find the class room.In the class we all sit and stacy and kacy wait come into the classroom and give me this dirty look then sit down.Now the lizard dude walks in and turns kacy and stacy to stone and winks at me!After he winks he turns into a human guy named Mike .(if i told you about mike then you know i like him)
Then i woke up.

There was alot of detail of my surroundings in this dream that i had to leave out,but overall i understand what this dream means.I wish i could have finished the dream but my dad came and woke me up.
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hehe, 06-30-03 4:32pm

dont wory still talk to u kuz i dont like maggie...i prolly wasnt in ur dream, but id still talk to you=D wuts ur dream mean?

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06-30-03 4:45pm

Thanks jessika ,no you wernt in my dream but you usually are.The dram seems to be a metaphor of high school in my mind.A projection of what probably will happen except with more peeps like you gwen and all them.

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Re:, 06-30-03 5:38pm

And Maggie Queen of Shots is dead!!! yay!!

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Re:, 06-30-03 5:40pm

so tell me more about this wednesday thin goin on!!!

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Re: Re:, 06-30-03 8:55pm

It has been moved to saturday if that works with everyone and maggie NEEDS to die!

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Re: Re: Re:, 06-30-03 9:45pm

oh... she can't die.. I'd have no one to make fun of the new mandy moore movie!.... ok... so, saturday... what movie?? Charlie's Angels, 28 Days Later, Dumb and Dumberer (shudder), Finding Nemo.... something cheap at the cine 4?? I don't know....

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 06-30-03 9:58pm

I dunno,anger managment is playing at the cine4

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Re: Re: Re:, 06-30-03 10:19pm

k good..saturday..wednesday wont work for me and Im leavin sunday

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 06-30-03 10:34pm

that'll probly change on friday....

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 06-30-03 10:45pm

Are you referring to the 4th o july or going in a whole different direction??

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 07-01-03 12:23am

I mean the movies at cine 4 will probly change on friday.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 07-01-03 11:58am

oh yah damn well we could meet on wednesday AND saturday!

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