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andi (profile) wrote,
on 7-3-2003 at 4:41pm
Current mood: aggravated
Subject: Yeah....
Dude! Hello! What's sizzling on ur side of the skizzle?

I love my answerin machine. It's sooo neato. Some ppl don't leave messages b/c they think they got the wrong house. lol. I love it.

Today I went to the mall w/ Jesse and my "hot" sister, as Casey would say. hehe. It was fun. Jesse was trying on girl's hats. He made me try on and cowboy hat thing and Boy did I look good.....hehe.

I am Fed-up w/ this one person, I dunno. It's weird. It's just not the same n e more. But I guess all I have to do and wait and c if everything is ok. (sigh)

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UUMMMM, 07-04-03 3:10pm

Hey, is it me???LOL!

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Re: UUMMMM, 07-04-03 4:51pm

Hey! No it's not's um...the person the cali and u played the joke on me. (hint hint)

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Re: Re: UUMMMM, 07-04-03 10:08pm

O it is o im sorry! i hope everything gets to be GnArLy soon!

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Re: Re: Re: UUMMMM, 07-06-03 7:57pm

Me too!!!

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