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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 7-8-2003 at 7:51pm
Current mood: pissed off
Music: linkin park
holy fuck i hate my mom!!!!shellio cant stay the night unless her parents come and pick her up at whenever they go to work at 7 fucking 30- in the morning and i have to go volunteer at a fuckin CAPMFIRE camp tommorrow that god damn fucking erly and roxanne is not allowed in "her" house because she BI and she knows she is goin out with schylar but my mom has nothing against schylar.....she does not want "bi or gay ppl in her house" i shoulda told her i was movin...she is soo fucking clueless and god damn fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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07-08-03 8:17pm


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Re:, 07-08-03 8:21pm

sorry im tryn to get a ride now ill hurry and get off

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