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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 7-23-2002 at 7:36am
soo, it's early, nobody's on. Oh well, I have about 10-15 minutes before I have to work. UNTIL 4:30!!!!!!
The Jobs not hard at all, and it's good pay, but it's so repetative and it's the same thing over and over and over and over. After awhile, you go into deep thought, and you lose all senses, but somehow your still picking tassles. It's crazy. Woo! It feels really good knowing that I still have enough time at the end of the day, and once I get a paycheck I'm not going to have to ask my father for money. Yesterday my crewleader nearly flipped the tractor on three of us. ok, I'm gonna go. Leave me a cool message so whenever I get back I can read them and feel loved. later.
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07-23-02 8:32am

so im nobody then..well..fuck you.

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Do you...?, 07-23-02 2:18pm

Do you really need us to tell you we love you, to know we do? Okay then, we all love you :) Have fun at work hehe

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07-23-02 3:41pm

Bam, I <3 U!

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07-23-02 4:22pm

have fun working. ugh, i have pit tonight so i have to talk to you about coming over. grr

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07-23-02 4:25pm

oh wait! one more thing!!!! I heart you Kevin! :) I hope you feel loved now.

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Re:, 07-23-02 5:04pm


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