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andi (profile) wrote,
on 7-10-2003 at 8:47pm
Current mood: confused
Subject: Haya!
Hello. Today was boring as usual.

I found out that some guys like me. (woohoo) I like 3 of 'em. But i'm not serious about n e of 'em to go out w/ them. I want to go out w/ this really hot one, but there's the other one that is a lil more innocent that i want too. Then there's this really really hot one that is soo TubuLAR and I would LOVE to go out w/ him more than the others, but me and him talked and we're not gonna go out, just fool around. hehe.

We're not gonna go out b/c we don't c eachother a lot and some ppl that we know will think it's weird. But we like eachother though.

I'm going to a party on sat. and 2 of the guys that like me are gonna be there. I wonder how it's gonna go down. I mean I'm attracted to one more then the other one physically, but i don't know mentally.

Yeah I know what ur thinkin, o what a problem. But i don't think it's a problem just a situation that has good and bad in it.

Well i'm gonna go. I'll talk to u later.

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Hey, 07-13-03 12:46pm

Thats gnarly! Have fun at the party!

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