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justplainolemica (profile) wrote,
on 7-11-2003 at 11:55pm
Current mood: aggravated
Subject: Sometimes....
Do you ever wonder why sometimes people write, do, or say things? Ever wonder if its something they are really thinking or if its just something that they write, do say, etc, just to hurt you... you know make you feel bad.
Exibit A: :: 2003 11 July :: 1.49pm
:: Mood: exhausted

I SUCK ! I AM A FREAKING LOSER ! I'm a jerk and everyone should know that. I ruin everything. Well I'm gonna go die now. Good-Bye

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen that is my boyfriend. What did he ruin you may ask? I'll tell ya. He gets mad if I go out with friends... especially guy friends. Well today I went out with a friend... I didnt hide it I didnt sneak around... Hell I flat out ASKED his permission. No one ever has to ask permission but I wanted him to feel ok about it.
I dunno I am so upset now that I cant even articulate it into words and thoughts... I dont know.
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me, 07-12-03 1:16pm

mica i am sorry iteat ou so bad i really ever meant to hurt you i really never did ,im sorry

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