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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 7-25-2002 at 12:58am
tonight was loads of fun! sooo many people in the woohu chat!! Made some new friends which was cool & Jenna found me a new emo boy lol <3<3

HI MATT!!! heh. & Teresa! and Josh ... yeah.

Things are pretty much back to normal.. cept according 2 that stupid personality thing i'm guna go kill myself or something.. Vivi, antisocial?!? NOOO!!! sleep! good night <3
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Hey Vivi!, 07-25-02 10:10am

Woohu chat rox... and so do emo boys! That stupid personality thing said I was highly histronic and narcissistic. Hmmm, maybe I should stop talking to myself in the mirror. Is it really possible to be both Avoidant and Dependant? "Go away! No I need you come back!... no nevermind go away!... NO! come baaaack!"

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Re: Hey Vivi!, 07-25-02 4:22pm

hehe. i'm very high everything cept schizoid.... geez.


I (heart) EMO BOYS!!!

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