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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 7-14-2003 at 11:41am
Current mood: bouncy
Music: Swing, Swing -All American Rejects
Subject: HYPER
woooo LOUD MUSIC ! haha didn't do a whoel lot of anythign yesterday but cleaning, so fun i know. today i am spending the whole day in the sun becuase i am too pale for someone who lives in Flroida. tommorow i go to the mall with linsey yay! the wednsday i pack and have cheerleading and then i leave to go to some hotel about 2 hours away! i am planning to do nothing but hang by the pool wathcing all the hottt guys. hopefully some of them will be watching me winkwink. i didnt go to bed until like 4 last night, damn aol it far to addictive. i was talking to brian and it was fun convesation.....hehehe anyway i need to go now b4 the sun get tempermental and goes behind the clouds! PEACE
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we do it good, 07-14-03 1:35pm


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