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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 7-18-2003 at 7:38pm
Current mood: melancholy
Music: moms gonna make my head EXPLODE....
Subject: im nakee
i am in a one-second-im-ok-but-the-next-i-freak-out-and-everyone-should-die kinda mood and i dunno why...maybe i should stop takin showers or sumtin kuz whenever i have taken a shower(which i have everyday) i get like this but o well its hot i dont wanna stink even if we do have 2 acs in our downstairs so it feels good but ya bai found matts email address on y computer(she hasnt been here for HOW long?) and added him kuz she claims to have a "pretty good memeory" but couldnt remeber what day her "beloved" DJ was coming back into town...the 25th or 26th...which reminds me.......ALL of you HAVE to go to the fair on the 25th.....the ONLY day i will be able to go kuz the next day we leave for eureka...AAAA ME AND SCHYLAR JUST STARTED SINGING LIL KIDDIE JESUS SONGS TO EACH OTHER!!!!!!..... so yah you all should go to the fair then...leave me a comment or sumtin so i kan know if u can...i might have to walk to schylars house so i will highly melt kuz its sumwhere near a hundred degrees and she lives hellishly far away so i will die but byebye all
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mwahahahaha, 07-18-03 9:31pm

jesus loves the little children all the children of the world. red and yellow black and white they are precious in his site jesus loves the little children of the world!

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