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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 7-21-2003 at 11:03pm
Music: Slick Shoes: Now's The Time
New guy at work, he’s an MT. Nice enough, really bad breath. I mean BAD. Went back to the Secretary of State yet again. Still don’t have my Michigan license. They’re getting better though. I got a pink slip so I didn’t have to wait in line. Still took half an hour though. They don’t keep anything on file, so I had to fill out my address, get my picture taken, give them my signature, phone number, height, weight, and all that shit again. The picture looks more normal this time. We got the big dog at work, first time. Kris is on vacation this week. Somehow everyone got extra hours except me.
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07-21-03 11:21pm

I know how you feel...
I worked one day in two weeks...

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