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skittlicious (profile) wrote,
on 7-22-2003 at 6:13pm
Current mood: silly
Music: no music
Subject: wheeeeee
so um, mandy got a car...hehe
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yuh, 07-22-03 7:06pm

yo dog thats pimp car, we'se gonna be rollin out yo


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Re: yuh, 07-22-03 7:29pm

yuhh, oh maan, i have to name it! you can help me <3 oh maan, a little over a month and me and you are on the road <333


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Re: Re: yuh, 07-22-03 7:58pm

oh hell yuh shittttttttt


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wooo!, 07-23-03 9:19pm

what kind yo.. thats pimp.. you cazn pimp all your hoes and shit.. man now you don't gotta walk!l... lol.. sorry i' obsessed with pimps

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